Tourists and their role in microclimatic changes inside the caves case study: Ali Sadr Cave (Hamedan, Iran)

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Research Paper 01/03/2015
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Tourists and their role in microclimatic changes inside the caves case study: Ali Sadr Cave (Hamedan, Iran)

Amjad Maleki, Peyman Karimi Soltani
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 3), 535-541, March 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


In the present paper we have attempted to divide Ali-Sadr Cave into two experimental areas (the place of tourists’ traffic) and the control area (the newly discovered area and corridors) to calculate and analyze daily and monthly tourists’ contribution in changes of carbon dioxide levels, temperature and relative humidity. Therefore, within a period of 30 days and by taking daily 3 times, the first in the morning (before the arrival of tourists) noon and night (after the departure of tourists) amounts of carbon dioxide, temperature and relative humidity using carbon dioxide detector model AZ (77535), in the two areas of control and experimental were measured and analyzed. The findings of the research show that tourists’ presence inside Ali-Sadr cave of Hamedan and their inhaling and exhaling activity has changed the amount of climatic elements inside the cave and has transformed the microclimatic elements inside the cave. For example, the percentage of carbon dioxide from humans has risen more than 7% of carbon dioxide with natural origin. Moreover, the results indicate 1 to 2 degrees of temperature rise inside the cave due to the presence of tourists. Temperature increase inside the cave has led to increase in evaporation, on the one hand, and to decrease in the relative humidity on the other hand. Deformability of carbonate caves inside the cave, Impact on the health of tourists, Climatic discomfort of the tourists inside the cave.


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