Toxicity assessment of dispersit SPC 1000 on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas spp in Fresh and marine water from Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

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Toxicity assessment of dispersit SPC 1000 on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas spp in Fresh and marine water from Akwa Ibom, Nigeria

TO. Ozoude, UN. Ekwenye, VO. Ifeanyi, EU. Amachree
J. Bio. Env. Sci.22( 4), 69-75, April 2023.
Certificate: JBES 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Unsustainable techniques, human activities, and laws used in the exploration and extraction of petroleum resources have wreaked havoc on the environment of the Niger Delta Region. This research assessed the toxicity of oil spill dispersant- Dispersit SPC 1000 on Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas spp. in water habitats. The bacteria were isolated following standard procedures by the spread plate technique. Percentage log survival was used as the toxicity index. The result of the findings showed that the survival rate decreased with increased concentration of Dispersit SPC 1000 and as the exposure periods increased while the mortality rate increased. The study also investigated the susceptibility of the test organisms to the toxicant concentrations and the result revealed a significant difference between the toxicant concentration and the susceptibility of the test isolates though the degree of toxicity differed in the isolates studied. It was observed that Dispersit SPC 1000 exerted a greater toxic effect on Pseudomonas spp. than on E. coli. The result of the 24th-hour acute toxicity of the toxicant at various concentrations showed that Dispersit SPC 1000 was more toxic to Escherichia coli (386.93) than Pseudomonas spp (459.72) in Freshwater and more toxic to Pseudomonas spp (15.96) than Escherichia coli (1293.96) in Marine water. This was evident in the lower LC50 for Escherichia coli in freshwater and Pseudomonas spp. in marine water.


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