Toxicity evaluation of coconut oil extracted with switchable hydrophilicity solvent (SHS) as a potential solvent contamination indicator

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Research Paper 13/07/2023
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Toxicity evaluation of coconut oil extracted with switchable hydrophilicity solvent (SHS) as a potential solvent contamination indicator

Jeleen Joyce F. Neri, Janus B. Pansacala
Int. J. Biosci.23( 1), 262-269, July 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Toxicity screening of Coconut Oil Extracted with Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvent (COCOSHS) and consideration for presence of trace Switchable Hydrophilicity Solvent (SHS) from the extracted oil were assessed by brine shrimp lethality assay (BSLA). Evaluation of the toxicity were also compared to N,N-Dimethylcyclohexylamine (DMCHA) as a pure SHS solvent and pure Crude Coconut Oil (CCO). The total number of dead larvae was counted for each dosage at designated period exposures. For the percent mortalities, COCOSHS and DMCHA were found out to have similar trend of increasing percent mortality with respect to different concentrations at 6-hour and 24-hour period exposures but not with CCO sample. On the other hand, in terms of their LC50 values at 6-hours, all samples didn’t exhibit acute toxicity since their LC50 values were above 1000 ppm. However, at 24-hour exposure, COCOSHS was classified as low toxic whereas DMCHA was classified as moderately toxic and CCO was classified as non-toxic indicating indirectly that SHS solvent might still remained in COCOSHS sample. In addition, it was found out that the difference between COCOSHS and CCO, COCOSHS and DMCHA were significant at the 95% confidence level for 6-hour and 24-hour exposure times which suggested that the null hypothesis was rejected. Based on the data and identified toxicity level of COCOSHS sample, it is highly possible that some DMCHA solvent used from the extraction process were still present and not sufficiently removed thus indicating that BSLA could serve as simple and cheap alternative in qualitatively assessing solvent contamination in SHS extraction.

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