Transhumance and conflicts management on Agonlin plateau in Zou department (Benin)

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Transhumance and conflicts management on Agonlin plateau in Zou department (Benin)

Michel Ange, Bekpa Kinhou, Sinsin Brice
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 132-145, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


For thirty years, Agonlin region in Zou department has been subject to extensive movements of national and cross-border transhumance every year: it is a seasonal movement of flocks and their shepherds in search of water and pastures. The absence or weakness of structures and hospitality infrastructure, especially transhumance corridors lead transhumant animals to cause enormous damage to farmers with immeasurable drawbacks (destruction of crop fields and fallows, cattle raiding crops , raping women, slaughtering animals, etc. . ) . The use of tools such as the ECRIS method ( Collective Rapid Identification Survey of Strategic groups) and PRA ( Participatory and Fast analysis Method) were referred to in order to identified, through a combination of rational choice and random 750 actors , issues and the various conflicts related to transhumance and their management mechanisms . Transhumant Fulani come in their majority from Niger ( 32.14% ), followed by those from Nigeria (30%), northern Benin (24%) , Burkina Faso ( 9.30% ) , Mali (4, 28 % ) and Mauritania (0.28 % ) to a lesser extent. Management of transhumance is governed by legislation at national, regional and international levels. Several instances in the areas carry the responsibility for the management of transhumance: management committees of transhumance, the municipality, the municipal Sectors for Agricultural Development, the constabulary offices, the court and the Associations of breeders and farmers.


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