Transmission routes of hepatitis C virus in Rahim Yar Khan: hospital based study

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Research Paper 01/11/2019
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Transmission routes of hepatitis C virus in Rahim Yar Khan: hospital based study

M. Ali Malik, M.A. Rehman, Nadia Usman, Mehreen Lateef, Shizma Junejo
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 418-424, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is the dominant cause of chronic liver disease and responsible foraround eight million people in Pakistan as per national hepatitis survey. This study aimed atexploring causes and risks related to increasing rate of occurrence of disease and to explore the route of transmission of hepatitis C virus in patients visiting the Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Rahim Yar Khan. This cross-sectional study included 684paticipants, visiting Sheikh Zayed Hospital in Rahim Yar Khan. The  questionnaires were filled by all participants and  included  information related to dietary pattern, disease history, risk factors and risk behavior like history of blood transfusions, surgical intervention, injection drug use, sexually transmitted diseases, accidental needle stick injuries treated by traditional doctors.  Blood samples of the patients were collected to diagnose hepatitisC by immuno-chromatographic methods (ICT) and then further confirmed by PCR technique. Most common route of HCV transmission was unknownroute, 57.5 % (n=363) followed by dental procedures, 17.1% (n= 117) while third most common route of transmission was surgical procedures 12.0 %. The association between route of transmission and duration of disease was highly significant (p< 0.001).The study revealed that dental and surgical procedures were identified as main routes of transmission of hepatitisbut majority of patients were unaware of route of acquiring hepatitis C (HCV) infection. Hepatitis awareness programs, prevention and treatment plans should be communicated to general population for controlling enhanced burden ofHepatitus C in small cities like RahimYar Khan.

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