Tree species diversity in the south western human impact hills at Chittagong University campus in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/01/2014
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Tree species diversity in the south western human impact hills at Chittagong University campus in Bangladesh

Md. Shahadat Hossain, Khaled Misbahuzzaman, Saifullah Muhammad, Abdullah Al Mamun
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 205-212, January 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Tree species diversity, species richness and phytosociological characters were investigated in the south western human impact hills at Chittagong University (CU) campus in Bangladesh using stratified random sampling (sample size 10m×10m) during the period of April 2012 to November 2012. Altogether, 622 tree individuals (DBH ≥ 5 cm) of 33 tree species belonging to 16 families were recorded from four selected hills (total sampled area of 0.6 hectare). Of the families, meliaceae was the dominant family having 4 species. Total stand density and basal area were, respectively, 1037 stem ha-1 and 41.124 m2h-1. Gmelina arborea contributed to the highest stand density (222 stem ha-1) and relative abundance (6.57%) of the study area, while Albizia procera contributed highest basal area (8.217 m2h-1), relative frequency (13.92%) and relative dominance (19.98%) for the same. On the other hand, Anacardium occidentale contributed to the least density (2 stem ha-1), basal area (0.014 m2h-1) and relative dominance (0.03%). The diameter class distributions disclose that, the study area is in mid-level succession where stem density and basal area continued to increase to a certain level of diameter class eventually decrease (from 15-24.99 cm diameter class) with the increase in diameter class. Diversity index for tree was recorded 2.73 of which Gmelina arborea possess highest diversity (0.33) in the scale of Shannon-Weiner index of diversity.


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