Troubleshooting of Pt. Pln Customer satisfaction at Barabai area in Province of South Kalimantan

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Troubleshooting of Pt. Pln Customer satisfaction at Barabai area in Province of South Kalimantan

J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 144-151, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Customer satisfaction is the feeling of pleasure or disappointment of someone who emerges after comparing the performance (result) of the product to the expected performance (Kotler, 2005). This study conducts a survey and analysis of the conformity of the 453 time standard of response and recovery service currently applied to customer expectations on various customer characteristics or existing customer tariff groups and their impact on their assessment of PT service satisfaction. PLN (Persero) in an effort to increase customer satisfaction. This study uses the analysis of importance and performance (IPA) with the number of respondents as much as 453 people based on 3 criteria that is: customer with priority idpel report> 2x in 1 year, customer with 50% address 5x report in 1 year, customer with data no hp> 3x telphone in 1 year. Based on the analysis of the importance and performance, variables have low performance but high importance, where the performance should be improved are: personnel in charge of providing services in accordance with expectations, when the required personnel does not exist, there is always a replacement. Variables that have high performance and importance where the performance must be maintained are experienced personnel in their field number of personnel as needed, personnel assigned quickly, responsive and can complete the task. Variables that have low performance and interest are complaints/Complaints are followed up promptly and promptly, there are always personnel who serve when necessary, ease of contacting the required personnel. While the variable that has a high performance but low interest is the completion of complaints/complain customers done completely, personnel always give good responses in communicating, customers get a positive response about things that are needed.


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