Two crops shrimp farming is a new approach to enhance production in semi intensive farming in coastal region of Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/05/2019
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Two crops shrimp farming is a new approach to enhance production in semi intensive farming in coastal region of Bangladesh

Shanchita Zaman Chowdhury, Khandaker Anisul Huq, Alokesh Kumar Ghosh, Md. Iqbal Hossain Biddut, Pallabi Howlader, Shikder Saiful Islam, Joyanta Bir
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 5), 102-109, May 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Traditionally in Bangladesh, farmer’s usually produce single crops shrimp in a year. Most often producer has no information that, two crops in a year are more economically profitable. Therefore current research aimed to evaluate two crops shrimp production performance in semi-intensive culture systems. The study was conducted in a semi-intensive farm, Sabinco Gazi Fish Culture Ltd in Dacope, Khulna from July, 2016 to June, 2017 and two crops were designed as dry crops (February–June, T1) and rainy season crops (July–November, T2). The initial mean body weight of shrimp was 0.31±0.03 and 0.305±0.02g respectively in T1 and T2. The stocking density was 12 and 7 PL/m2 respectively at two successive crops. After 120 days of cultured period the average individual body weight was 32.33±2.5 and 36±4.5g respectively in T1 and T2, and survival rate was 80.68 and 82.53% successively in two crops. The gross production was 3128.89±103.60 and 2079.76±73.63kg/ha correspondingly at T1 and T2. Although farmers in southern region of Bangladesh usually practice single crop (Feb-June) in a years, however two crops in a year is a new approach to get more profit, and most often it’s more profitable than traditional crops.

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