Understanding the information system of BT corn growers in Cagayan Valley, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/10/2020
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Understanding the information system of BT corn growers in Cagayan Valley, Philippines

Cecilia H Delos Trinos, Fredisminda L Dolojan
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.17( 4), 17-26, October 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Information system is an important component in maximizing agricultural production. It is in this mechanism that farmers are provided with the necessary information that can guide them in their farming activities. The agricultural information system of Bt corn growers was investigated based on the following factors; the information sources, usefulness of information and frequency of contact with the information sources. Such factors were used to analyze the total information score (IS) of the information sources which is an indicator of the strength of information exchange. The result showed that Bt corn growers in Cagayan Valley are married males, 48 years old on average and are mostly high school graduates. Membership to organizations is not a common practice to the majority. Most corn farms are owned, however, the potential yield on a per hectare basis is not yet maximized. The agriculture information system analysis showed that there is aa stronger degree of contact expressed in terms of information score was manifested in the personal sources of the Bt corn growers. A traditional agricultural information system exists where farmers depend on shared experiences or practices of other farmers. There is a weak link between the Bt corn growers and the public and mass media sources. The weak link reveals a limited interaction and dissemination of timely and relevant agricultural farming techniques. Therefore, there is partial or non-utilization of recommended Bt corn growing farming practices. No feedback mechanism where problems or information needs are forwarded to the researchers or experts. In this case Bt corn productivity could hardly maximized. Furthermore, age, educational attainment, land ownership and membership to organizations are some factors associated on the strength of information exchange with sources.


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