Urbanization in Lahore leads to Respiratory Issues – A Microbiological Perspective

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Urbanization in Lahore leads to Respiratory Issues – A Microbiological Perspective

Farkhanda Sadaf, Adeena Saeed, Maryam Khan, Saba Shamim
Int. J. Biosci.18( 3), 39-58, March 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Pakistan is an important country of South Asia. Lahore is its historical city with rich cultural values. The development of cities like construction of new roads, is indication of economic progress of a country. During last decade, Lahore city remains in the state of construction of new roads for providing Metro bus service facilities to the public in general which is considered a blessing. Due to continuous construction, dust clouds were normally observed. These contain dust particles which harbor microorganisms. By inhalation, these dust particles cause upper and lower respiratory tract infections which leads to respiratory health issues.  As professionals, school going children, street hawkers cannot avoid the dust, it can be cope up by adopting the precautionary measures.


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