Use of shrimp skin waste and Trichoderma viride fungi as a palm oil breeding media

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Research Paper 01/11/2017
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Use of shrimp skin waste and Trichoderma viride fungi as a palm oil breeding media

Akhmad Rizali, Abdul Rahim
J. Bio. Env. Sci.11( 5), 131-137, November 2017.
Certificate: JBES 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This environmental issue needs special attention and more serious pressure as it concerns human survival, both in the present and in the future Environmental issues become very warmly discussed either by community group, government, or institute that move in environment field. The problems include the occurrence of soil fertility degredation due to the opening of the soil layer, water contamination, air pollution and other environmental pollution, both caused by industry, and household and recently also happened global warming. Consumer society, in order to meet the growing need for food, agricultural land per unit area required to achieve maximum efficiency and highest quality product. The nutrition of the plant is the one of the most important factors to control agricultural productivity and quality. Rates of nutrients in the soil affects the quality of yield. Therefore, producers, fertilize the soil, combat pests, irrigation and process of agricultural activities to make more efficient to soil.  Fertilizer increase efficiency and obtains better quality of product recovery in agricultural activities. It is one of the most important ways. Non-organic fertilizer mainly contain shrimp skin waste and T. viride used as palm oil media.  The results of this study are; (1) In general, the decomposed medium with T. viride has a better condition for the growth of oil palm seedlings than on the decomposed medium without the fungi; and (2) a mixed medium between shrimp and latosol (1; 1) shrimp waste that has been decomposed with T. viride provides better seedling growth.


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