Value of insect pollinators to agriculture of Pakistan

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Value of insect pollinators to agriculture of Pakistan

Mohammad Irshad, Elizabeth Stephen
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.3( 5), 14-21, May 2013.
Certificate: IJAAR 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Pollination is important for crop production. Due to pollination deficit and ecological disturbances it is essential to quantify the economic value of pollination. In Pakistan, such values are not available. Using bioeconomical methods these values were quantified. The production value of pollinated dependent crop was 1.59 billion US$. Of the total value, fruits are dominant with 0. 98 billion, vegetables 0.32 billion, nuts 0.15 billion, oilseed 0.13 billion and spices 0.004 billion US $. Non pollinated crops values 7.45 billion US $. This study is helpful in planning stratagies for pollination management. Moreover material and technical inputs required can be better asked in the light of this study.


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