Variation in nutrients composition of Tetrapleura tetraptera fruit at two maturity stages

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Variation in nutrients composition of Tetrapleura tetraptera fruit at two maturity stages

A.E. Irondi, K.K. Anokam, P.C. Chukwuma, J.K. Akintunde, I.O. Nurain
Int. J. Biosci.3( 9), 304-312, September 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Variation in the nutrients composition of the seed and pod of Tetrapleura tetraptera fruit was investigated at two maturity stages, namely, mature-green (MG) and ripe-brown (RB) stages. The proximate composition and food energy content on dry weight basis (DW) of the seed and pod varied significantly (P < 0.05) at the two maturity stages. MG seed (MGS) recorded the highest moisture content (6.87%); RB pod (RBP) had the highest carbohydrate (87.49 %), while RB seed (RBS) had the highest crude fat (14.46%), protein (28.72%), ash (5.59%) and food energy (424.60 cal/g). Starch, sugar, amylose and amylopectin also varied significantly (P < 0.05) in the seed and pod at the two maturity stages, such that MG pod (MGP) had the highest starch (48.19%); RBP had the highest sugar (31.71%) and amylopectin (99.90%), whereas MGS had the highest amylose contents (0.41%). There was also significant variation (P < 0.05) in the minerals levels (DW ) of the seed and pod, with RBS having the highest Ca (15508.67 mg/Kg), Mg (403.54 mg/Kg), P (1494.74 mg/Kg), Fe (22.65 mg/Kg), Zn (5.25 mg/Kg) and Mn (59.35 mg/Kg). RBP had the highest Na (201.64 mg/Kg), K (4314.34 mg/Kg) and Co (1.16 mg/Kg), while MGS recorded the highest Se (1.21 mg/Kg) and Cu (8.25 mg/Kg) contents. Although advancing maturity had effect on the levels of the various nutrients of both the seed and pod of T. tetraptera fruit, generally the seed could provide more nutrients than the pod at the two stages of maturity investigated.


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