Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy stem cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo

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Research Paper 01/12/2019
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Vegetative propagation of Anonidium mannii (Oliver) Engler & Diels (Annonaceae) by leafy stem cuttings in Kisangani, DR Congo

Paluku Augustin, Tsobeng Alain, Okungo Albert, Tchoundjeu Zacharie, Bwama Marcel, Van Damme Patrick
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.15( 6), 26-34, December 2019.
Certificate: IJAAR 2019 [Generate Certificate]


This study tested the influence of substrate type, size surface and application of IBA auxin on rooting of stem cutting leaf of Anonidium mannii, a wild fruit species with low seed germination rate. Two trials were conducted. The first tested three substrate types that are sand, wood sawdust and rice husks. We also tested combinations of these substrates (2:2), resulting in six treatments in a randomized complete block design. The second experiment compared different cutting leaf surfaces (12.5, 25 and 37.5cm2) and auxins (IBA applied and not applied) in a split plot design. Using sand as substrate resulted in significantly higher rooting rates (62.1 ± 5.9%), while use of rice husks, even combined with other substrates, did not achieve any cutting rooting. Significant and non-significant differences were observed, respectively, with factors leaf area and auxin application. Highest rooting rates (26.70 ± 6.6%) were obtained with a leaf surface of 37.5cm² in combination with IBA application. Vegetative cutting propagation is possible for A. mannii, albeit with low rooting rates. Therefore, more targeted testing is required; addressing other parameters such as cutting type, season of cutting and increase of the leaf surface of cuttings.

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