Vermicompost application rate and timing for optimum productivity of onion (Allium cepa L.)

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Research Paper 01/03/2020
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Vermicompost application rate and timing for optimum productivity of onion (Allium cepa L.)

Sifolo S. Coulibaly, Pius M. Ndegwa, Sientchon Y. Soro, Sita Koné, Amoin E. Kouamé, I. A. Bi Zoro
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 3), 38-52, March 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Increasing food resources sustainably remains today one of the fundamental options to trigger prosperity in developing countries. Vermicompost, which is a potential soil fertilizer for sustainable agriculture has proven to increase yields of a variety of crops, but little is known about its application rate and timing for optimum productivity of onion in Africa. This field study investigated different vermicompost application rates, before transplanting and at bulbing, on onion growth and productivity. The respective applications were performed via a complete randomized block design, each at three replications, during three-season cycles on sandy-clay and sandy-silty soils. Results showed that the highest yield (19.8 t ha-1), on sandy-clay soil, was obtained at 20 t[vermicompost] ha-1 spread before transplanting, which was 7.9, 1.3, 0.4, and 1.6 times higher than yields obtained, respectively, with the control, 30 t[vermicompost] ha-1, 40 t[vermicompost] ha-1 and mineral fertilizer. On sandy-silty soil, the highest yield (7.33 t ha-1) was obtained at 30 t[vermicompost] ha-1 applied before transplanting, and was approximately 4.9, 1.6, 2.0, and 1.7 times higher than yields obtained with the control, 20 t[vermicompost] ha-1, 30 t[vermicompost] ha-1, 40 t[vermicompost] ha-1, and mineral fertilizer, respectively. The application rate and timing of vermicompost, clearly, had influences on onion productivity and were functions of soil type. Vermicompost performed better on sandy-clay soil than on sandy-silty soil. Onion production on sandy-clay soil with vermicompost application rate of 20 t ha-1 resulted in the optimal onion yield. Onion productivity was adversely affected by over-application of the vermicompost.

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