Waste and by-products of cocoa in breeding: Research synthesis

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Review Paper 01/10/2011
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Waste and by-products of cocoa in breeding: Research synthesis

Bouafou Kouamé Guy Marcel, Konan Brou André, Dally Théodore, Kati-Coulibally Séraphin
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.1( 1), 9-19, October 2011.
Certificate: IJAAR 2011 [Generate Certificate]


This review aims to show the potential nutritional waste and by-products of cocoa in animals through scientific studies. Indeed, research indicates that the waste and by-products generally contain cocoa 12-17% protein, major minerals (Ca, P, K, Na) and fibers that predispose them to feed. Tested in ruminants, chickens, snails, pigs and rabbits, they have been beneficial to low levels. Because these foods contain theobromine, antintritionnel factor, witch limits their use in livestock. However, appropriate treatments can help to increase the quantities of waste and by-products of cocoa in animal diets.


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