Weed control in non-glyphosate resistant cotton with glyphosate using a hooded band sprayer

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Weed control in non-glyphosate resistant cotton with glyphosate using a hooded band sprayer

Ahmet Tansel Serim, Ünal Asav, Süleyman Gürdal Türkseven, Bariş Özgür Koçtürk, Mehmet Demirci
Int. J. Biosci.17( 1), 106-118, July 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Conventional crop production systems are employed in cotton fields in Turkey, and weeds have a significant importance in this system because they cause severe yield and quality losses. Because there is no new wide spectrum herbicide in cotton, the researcher has been compelled to find new application techniques to use available herbicides. Glyphosate is one of the most effective herbicides available due to its broad spectrum, ability to reduce the demand for soil herbicides, and potency in the production of genetically modified crops. The use of glyphosate to control broadleaf and grass weeds in non-genetically modified crops is only possible with a hooded field sprayer. This study was conducted across two sites in Aydın and İzmir, Turkey, in 2015 and 2016 to determine the efficacy and safety of the combined hooded field sprayer (CHFS) designed to simultaneously apply selective and total herbicides to different areas of cotton. Glyphosate was applied with clethodim at 1.44 + 0.145 and 1.44 + 0.116 kg ai ha−1, respectively, or with tepraloxydim at 1.44 + 0.05 and 1.44 + 0.04 kg ai ha−1, respectively, over between-row areas + intra row areas simultaneously using the CHFS. Clethodim at 0.145 kg ai ha−1 and tepraloxydim at 0.05 kg ai ha−1 were also applied using the third boom of the CHFS, conventional system. All the weeds in the experimental fields were perfectly controlled by CHFS, except purple nutsedge, which was controlled with glyphosate (62.5% to 88.75%), but not with clethodim or tepraloxydim (≤35%). Shikimate levels in the cotton leaves showed that the seedlings were exposed to the glyphosate at various rates, but these exposures did not cause any significant injury in cotton.


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