Yield and silage quality of soybean-maize intercrop under different mixing ratios and harvest stages

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Yield and silage quality of soybean-maize intercrop under different mixing ratios and harvest stages

Celal Yücel, Mustafa Avcı, İlker Inal, Derya Yücel
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.10( 6), 95-105, June 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


The research was carried out to determine the effects of mixing ratios and harvest stages on dry matter yield and silage quality of intercropped soybean (Glycine max) and maize (Zea mays). A split plot design with four replications was conducted in Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute Experiment Area, Adana-Turkey. Five treatments (sole maize (M) and sole soybean (S), 100:100 MS; 50:100 Ms, 100:50 Ms %) and two harvest stages (milk stage and dough stage) were evaluated in 2011 growing second crop season. As a result of the research, dry matter (DM) yield, crude protein ratio (CPR), pH, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), ash, dry matter intake (DMI), relative feed value (RFV), and digestible dry matter ratio (DDMR) ranged from 7.6 to 19.6 t ha-1; 56.0 to 49.7 g kg-1; 3.81 to 4.95; 411.8 to 539.6 g kg-1; 272.8 to 366.7 g kg-1; 52.0 to 111.9 g kg-1; 22.4 to 30.0 g kg-1; 109.8 to 145.8; 603.3 to 676.5 g kg-1, respectively. Hence, intercrop of maize (100%) + soybean (100%) at dough stage can be suggested for high dry matter yield and forage quality in a crop rotation following winter wheat.


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