Yield performance of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) through integrated nutrient management

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Yield performance of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) through integrated nutrient management

Zannatul Ferdous, Mazharul Anwar, Nizam Uddin, Hayat Ullah, Afzal Hossain
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 294-301, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Low  soil  fertility  is  one  of  the  bottlenecks  to  sustain  agricultural  production  and  productivity  in  Bangladesh. Anthropogenic factors such as inappropriate land use systems, monocropping, nutrient mining and inadequate supply of nutrients aggravated the situation. Integrated nutrient management (INM) is an option to alleviate soil fertility problem as it utilizes available organic and inorganic nutrients for sustainable agricultural production and productivity. Thus, to investigate the effect of integrated nutrient management, an experiment was conducted at On Farm Research Division, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Rangpur, during kharif season of 2012 to maximize the yield of okra. There were seven treatments viz. T1: 100% Recommended Chemical Fertilizer (RCF), T2: 85% RCF, T3: 70% RCF, T4: 85% RCF + 3 t/ha Organic Fertilizer (OF), T5: 85% RCF + 1 t/ha OF, T6: 70% RCF + 3 t/ha OF and T7: 70% RCF + 1 t/ha OF. The results revealed that the highest yield was obtained from the treatment T4 (14.60 t/ha) which was statistically similar with T6 (13.99 t/ha) and T5 (12.71 t/ha) at both locations. Maximum gross return & gross margin was also obtained from T4 treatment at both the locations.

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