Zoopharmacognosy and epigenetic behavior of mountain wildlife towards Berberis species

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Research Paper 01/07/2014
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Zoopharmacognosy and epigenetic behavior of mountain wildlife towards Berberis species

Tika Khan, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan, Shaukat Ali, Haibat Ali
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 1), 37-44, July 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


Berberis, a member of family Berberidaceae serves as ‘Herbal-wildlife-clinic’ in nature. Berberis pseudumbellata subsp. gilgitica is endemic to the area and has become critically endangered. For the first time research documented unique epigenetic behaviour of different mountain wildlife and zoopharmacological practices of traditional communities from CKNP. When wildlife gets physical hurts, it rushes towards Berberis plants and eat berries, chew leaves or bark, which is found significant (p<0.001). Such behaviour is untaught, not learned, and automatic but seems pre-programmed instinctively triggered reflexed. This is observed in avifauna (House Sparrow, Chakor, Ram Chakor) and angulates (Flare horned Markhor, Himalayan Ibex) only. 79.03%, 36.51% hunters (SD±30.02), 83.24%, 58.23% shepherds (SD±17.68) and 41.92%, 17.11% local population (SD±17.54) believe and have personal observations respectively for Berberis-wildpharma interaction. Traditionally it is used zoopharmacologically for bone healing of limbs (93.67%), other bone fracture and injury (90.91%), other internal injuries (85.53%), external injuries (73.33%), delivery of sheep (38.12%), goat (17.36%) and cow (19.87%). No such observation was recorded with respect to herpetofauna and carnivores.


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