Open Access Research Paper
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Akpesse A. Alexandre Moïse , Coulibaly Tenon, Agossadou Houefa Anette, Koua K Herve
J. Bio. Env. Sci.18( 2), 52-60, February 2021.
Open Access Research Paper
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Inventory of plant parasitic nematodes of cultivated solanaceae in Côte D’ivoire: case of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.)

Kakou Didier Junior, Amari Ler-N’ogn Dadé Georges Elisée, Tienebo Eric-Olivier, N’guessan Aya Carine, Camara Brahima, Pakora Gilles Alex, Abo Kouabenan, Kone Daouda
Int. J. Biosci.18( 2), 61-71, February 2021.