Biological and phytochemical characterization of takermoust date syrup

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Research Paper 01/04/2022
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Biological and phytochemical characterization of takermoust date syrup

Ymina Mimouni, Zahia Bayoussef , Oumelkheir Siboukeur
Int. J. Biosci.20( 4), 9-17, April 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


The cultivation of the date palm is, until today, a main source of life for the populations of the Saharan regions. It represents both the basis of agricultural activity and a source of food. The present study aims to develop date syrups based on the low-value cultivar Takermoust (T) and the cultivar Ghars (G) (control), as part of contributing to the enhancement of this phoenicultural heritage and the innovation of a dietetic product by a technological method. The method adopted is based on the diffusion of soluble solids in water at two concentrations, temperatures 65 °C and 105 °C. Qualitative characterization was targeted by phytochemical screening and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Quantitative analysis was performed by assaying phenolic compounds and evaluating biological activity. TLC reveals the presence of rutin-like flavonoids and gall tannins. The polyphenol content varies between 0.82 – 0.94 mg gallic acid equivalent /100g of syrup, the flavonoid content fluctuates between 0.38-0.64 mg equivalents of rutin/100g of syrup. T65 ° C syrup shows significant antioxidant activity (165 mg equivalent of ascorbic acid/100g of syrup). The evolution of the anti-free radical activity seems interesting for all the syrups; the T 65 °C syrup evokes a significant inhibitory concentration of 0.028 mg/ml with a percentage of inhibition of 68.81%. The concentration at 65 °C seems better for the preparation of dietetic syrups. Overall, the syrups made from Takermoust dates show an interesting phytochemical composition and biological activity against the control cultivar Ghars. So, they can integrate these therapeutic virtues into the diet of the local population.

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