Productivity and fodder potentials of groundnut in the Sudanian zone of Benin

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Research Paper 01/08/2017
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Productivity and fodder potentials of groundnut in the Sudanian zone of Benin

Gbênagnon Serge Ahounou, Jonas André Djenontin, Aristide Mahoutin Agbokounou, Mahamadou Dahouda, Kenneth Bachabi, Eulèche Bessan, Daouda Assouma, Jean-Luc Hornick, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 2), 32-41, August 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Agronomic performance of groundnut differs according to variety. The objective of the study was to determine the productivity, the fodder and the nutritional potentials of haulms of four varieties of groundnut. A systematic randomized controlled trial was carried out with six replicates. Each block counted for has 24 plots with an area of 50 m². The plant material consisted of groundnut varieties TS 32-1, ICGV SM 85045, 69-101 and Moto Local, which were sown at six seeding densities. The best yield of fresh haulms was obtained with the variety 69-101 (16.76 t/ha), whereas the variety ICGV SM 85045 (9.26t/ha) had the lowest yield. The variety 69-101 had the highest yield in dry haul while Moto Local had the lowest. The best pod yield was obtained from 69-101 (6.28t/ha). The varieties 69-101 and ICGV SM 85045 had the highest NDF levels (Respectively 399.55 g/kg DM and 379.11 g/kg DM). Significant correlations were observed between fodder characteristics of the variety 69-101.It showed the most productive fodder potentials. Results on the nutritional quality of groundnut haulm were not significantly different. The characterization of these groundnut varieties will help pod producers and haulm users to achieve their production goals.

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