Biochemical identification of some faba bean genotype

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Biochemical identification of some faba bean genotype

A. N. Attia, M. I. EL-Abady, Heba H. AL-Agamy
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.17( 3), 1-9, September 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


Faba bean is an important crop in Egypt both for human and animal consumption. This experiment includes 8 promising lines and 4 varieties of faba bean genotypes (Vicia faba L.) was carried out at Giza Research Station, ARC during the winter seasons of 2018 and 2019 to identify and discriminate these genotypes. Biochemical analysis including (ISSR-PCR) technique, SDS-PAGE and Isozymes analysis were tested in leaves. By using Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR-PCR) technique, it was possible to determine the genetic diversity and relationships of the 12 faba bean genotypes included in this study. A total of 51 amplified bands were generated with five ISSR primers, of which 48 (92.3%) were polymorphic which represent a relatively high polymorphism level. Moreover, the patterns of leaf protein were studied using SDS-PAGE. It was found that each genotype was characterized by a protein with specific molecular weight. Isozymes analysis using Peroxidase and Poly phenyl oxidase results revealed that, differences in the density of bands can be used to successfully identify and characterize these faba bean genotypes.

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