A comprehensive screening of bioactivities and phytochemicals of different extracts of Moringa oleifera

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Research Paper 01/08/2021
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A comprehensive screening of bioactivities and phytochemicals of different extracts of Moringa oleifera

Shahin Alam, Tanvir Ahamed, Priya Noor
Int. J. Biosci.19( 2), 51-64, August 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Moringa oleifera Lam. (Sazna) is considered a miracle plant of nature possessing outstanding medicinal properties and nutritional values. Almost all the parts of this plantare edible and also have potential bioactivity.The leaves, flower, seeds have been used traditionally as folk remedies for the treatment of many diseases such as diabetes, constipation, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, etc. For the amazing nutritious and medicinal value, our study focused on the bioactivity and phytochemicals of Moringa oleifera extracts. Phytochemicals are the chemical compounds produced by plants, are involved in protection against fungi, plant viruses and bacterial infection. The preliminarily phytochemical screening revealed the extract richness of Alkaloid, carbohydrate, coumarin, flavonoid, glycoside, phenol, protein, vitamins, minerals etc. in both flower and leaf extracts. Quantitative analysis revealed that the highest amount of phenol, flavonoid, tannin, protein were found for Sazna flower ethanolic extract (SFM), Sazna flower methanolic extract (SFE), Sazna leaf ethanolic extracts (SLE) and SFM respectively.Antioxidant activity was determined by FRAP (Ferric oxide reducing power). The highest (202.18±0.087 μg/mL) ferric oxide reducing activity was found for SFE in comparison to other extracts. For the reducing power assay, SFM showed the highest amount of reducing sugar content (896.55±0.77 μg/mL). The highest Vitamin C content (6.81±0.007 μg/mL) was found for SFM at 1000 μg/mL. The results suggest that M. oleifera (Sazna) has outstanding antioxidant activity and could serve as a potential source of natural antioxidants. However, antimicrobial assays were done with flower and leaf extracts at different solvents at different concentrations.Findings from this study revealed that The maximum activity was observed for methanolic flower extract (14.5±0.5 mm) against gram-positive bacteria and methanolic leaf extract (10.2±0.25 mm) against gram-negative bacteria both at a concentration of 10 mg/disc thus suggests need to refine and standardize these extracts as an alternative source of antimicrobial medicines.The data obtained from this study on bioactivities and phytochemicals of M. oleifera will be useful for the further discovery of new drugs.


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