A review of biochemical and nutritional properties of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Natural Sweetener)

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A review of biochemical and nutritional properties of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni (Natural Sweetener)

Tariq Ismail, Zsolt Ponya
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 479-486, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Stevia as a bio-sweetener having no calories, and proved as not toxic for Human health, it is used in large quantity in industries and daily consumptions. About 300 times sweeter than sucrose. Stevia extracts, beside medicinal properties, contain a high level of sweetening compounds, known as steviol glycosides. This review is an effort to explore the possibilities of using stevia in commercial products, as well as to know the nutritional and biochemical contents present in stevia leaves, and use of stevia leaves as a basic constituent for many products for consumption.


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Abou-arab, Esmat A, Azza Abou-arab A, Ferial Abu-salem M. 2010. “Physico-Chemical Assessment of Natural Sweeteners Steviosides Produced from Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni Plant.” African Journal of Food Science (2010) 4(May), 269–81.

Ahmad Uswa, Rabia Shabir Ahmad. 2018. “Nutritional, Physicochemical and Organoleptic Evaluation of Low Calorie Muffins Using Natural Sweetener Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni).” Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 08(02).

Anton Stephen D, Corby Martin K, Hongmei Han, Sandra Coulon, William Cefalu T, Paula Geiselman, Donald Williamson A. 2010. “Effects of Stevia, Aspartame, and Sucrose on Food Intake, Satiety, and Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Levels.” Appetite 55(1), 37–43.

Atteh J, Onagbesan O, Tona K, Buyse J, Decuypere E, Geuns J. 2011. “Potential Use of Stevia Rebaudiana in Animal Feeds.” Archivos de Zootecnia 60(229).

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Cacciola, Francesco, Pierluigi Delmonte, Karolina Jaworska, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Jeanne Rader I. 2011. “Employing Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography as the Second Dimension in a Comprehensive Two-Dimensional System for Analysis of Stevia Rebaudiana Extracts.” Journal of Chromatography A 1218(15), 2012–18.

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Chatsudthipong, Varanuj Chatchai Muanprasat. 2009. “Stevioside and Related Compounds: Therapeutic Benefits beyond Sweetness.” Pharmacology & Therapeutics 121(1), 41–54.

Chu, Yan-Hwa, Chao-Lin Chang, Hsia-Fen Hsu. 2000. “Flavonoid Content of Several Vegetables and Their Antioxidant Activity.” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80(5), 561–66.

Gardana, Claudio, Martina Scaglianti, Paolo Simonetti. 2010. “Evaluation of Steviol and Its Glycosides in Stevia Rebaudiana Leaves and Commercial Sweetener by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Chromatography A 1217(9), 1463–70.

Geuns Jan MC. 2003.Stevioside.” Phytochemistry 64(5), 913–21.

Ibrahim, Hayam M, Azza A, Abou-Arab, Ferial M, Abu Salem. 2010. “Addition of Some Natural Plant Extracts and Their Effects on Lamb Patties Quality.” Journal of Food Technology 8(3), 134–42.

Jackson Ayanna U, Alessandra Tata, Chunping Wu, Richard H. Perry, George Haas, Leslie West, R. Graham Cooks. 2009. “Direct Analysis of Stevia Leaves for Diterpene Glycosides by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.” The Analyst 134(5), 867.

Jain, Pourvi, Sumita Kachhwaha SL, Kothari.  2009. “Improved Micropropagation Protocol and Enhancement in Biomass and Chlorophyll Content in Stevia Rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni by Using High Copper Levels in the Culture Medium.” Scientia Horticulturae 119(3), 315–19.

Jain, Sudhir Ranjan ND. “Dimensional Analysis.” Mechanics, Waves and Thermodynamics 104–7.

Kaushik, Ramakrishnan, Pradeep Narayanan, Vamshi Vasudevan, Geetha Muthukumaran, Antony Usha. 2010. “Nutrient Composition of Cultivated Stevia Leaves and the Influence of Polyphenols and Plant Pigments on Sensory and Antioxidant Properties of Leaf Extracts.” Journal of Food Science and Technology 47(1), 27–33.

Kim Jae-Yong, Juyi Seo, Kyung-Hyun Cho. 2011. “Aspartame-Fed Zebrafish Exhibit Acute Deaths with Swimming Defects and Saccharin-Fed Zebrafish Have Elevation of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Activity in Hypercholesterolemia.” Food and Chemical Toxicology 49(11), 2899–2905.

Lemus-Mondaca, Roberto, Antonio Vega-Gálvez, Liliana Zura-Bravo, Ah Hen Kong. 2012. “Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, Source of a High-Potency Natural Sweetener: A Comprehensive Review on the Biochemical, Nutritional and Functional Aspects.” Food Chemistry 132(3), 1121–32.

Makapugay HC, Nanayakkara NPD, Kinghorn AD. 1984. “Improved High-Performance Liquid Chromatographic Separation of the Stevia Rebaudiana Sweet Diterpene Glycosides Using Linear Gradient Elution.” Journal of Chromatography A 283, 390–95.

Mohammed Abdalbasit A Gasmalla, Xiao Hua. 2014. “Nutritional Composition of Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni Leaf:” Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 13(1), 61–65.

de Oliveira, Arildo José Braz, Regina Aparecida Correia Gonçalves, Talita Perez Cantuaria Chierrito, Marcelo Müller dos Santos, Lauro Mera de Souza, Philip Albert James Gorin, Guilherme Lanzi Sassaki, Marcello Iacomini. 2011. “Structure and Degree of Polymerisation of. Manish Tadhani and . Rema Subhash. 2006. “Preliminary Studies on Stevia Rebaudiana Leaves: Proximal Composition, Mineral Analysis and Phytochemical Screening.” Journal of Medical Sciences(Faisalabad) 6(3), 321–26.

Abou-arab, Esmat A, Azza Abou-arab A, Ferial Abu-salem M. 2010. “Physico-Chemical Assessment of Natural Sweeteners Steviosides Produced from Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni Plant.” African Journal of Food Science (2010) 4(May), 269–81.

Ahmad Uswa, Rabia Shabir Ahmad. 2018. “Nutritional, Physicochemical and Organoleptic Evaluation of Low Calorie Muffins Using Natural Sweetener Stevia (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni).” Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences 08(02).

Anton, Stephen D, Corby K. Martin, Hongmei Han, Sandra Coulon, William Cefalu T, Paula Geiselman, Donald A. Williamson. 2010. “Effects of Stevia, Aspartame, and Sucrose on Food Intake, Satiety, and Postprandial Glucose and Insulin Levels.” Appetite 55(1), 37–43.

Atteh J, Onagbesan O, Tona K, Buyse J, Decuypere E, Geuns J. 2011. “Potential Use of Stevia Rebaudiana in Animal Feeds.” Archivos de Zootecnia 60(229).

Brandle JE, Telmer PG. 2007. “Steviol Glycoside Biosynthesis.” Phytochemistry 68(14), 1855–63.

Burke JP, Williams K, Narayan KMV, Leibson C, Haffner SM, Stern MP. 2003. “A Population Perspective on Diabetes Prevention: Whom Should We Target for Preventing Weight Gain?” Diabetes Care 26(7), 1999–2004.

Cacciola, Francesco, Pierluigi Delmonte, Karolina Jaworska, Paola Dugo, Luigi Mondello, Jeanne Rader I. 2011. “Employing Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography as the Second Dimension in a Comprehensive Two-Dimensional System for Analysis of Stevia Rebaudiana Extracts.” Journal of Chromatography A 1218(15), 2012–18.

Carakostas MC, Curry LL, Boileau AC, Brusick DJ. 2008. “Overview: The History, Technical Function and Safety of Rebaudioside A, a Naturally Occurring Steviol Glycoside, for Use in Food and Beverages.” Food and Chemical Toxicology 46(7), S1–S10.

Chatsudthipong, Varanuj, Chatchai Muanprasat. 2009. “Stevioside and Related Compounds: Therapeutic Benefits beyond Sweetness.” Pharmacology & Therapeutics 121(1), 41–54.

Chu, Yan-Hwa, Chao-Lin Chang, Hsia-Fen Hsu. 2000. “Flavonoid Content of Several Vegetables and Their Antioxidant Activity.” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 80(5), 561–66.

Gardana, Claudio, Martina Scaglianti, Paolo Simonetti. 2010. “Evaluation of Steviol and Its Glycosides in Stevia Rebaudiana Leaves and Commercial Sweetener by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.” Journal of Chromatography A 1217(9), 1463–70.

Geuns Jan MC. 2003.Stevioside.” Phytochemistry 64(5), 913–21.

Ibrahim, Hayam M, Azza A, Abou-Arab, Ferial M, Abu Salem. 2010. “Addition of Some Natural Plant Extracts and Their Effects on Lamb Patties Quality.” Journal of Food Technology 8(3), 134–42.

Jackson, Ayanna U, Alessandra Tata, Chunping Wu, Richard H. Perry, George Haas, Leslie West, Graham Cooks R. 2009. “Direct Analysis of Stevia Leaves for Diterpene Glycosides by Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry.” The Analyst 134(5), 867.

Jain, Pourvi, Sumita Kachhwaha, Kothari SL. 2009. “Improved Micropropagation Protocol and Enhancement in Biomass and Chlorophyll Content in Stevia Rebaudiana (Bert.) Bertoni by Using High Copper Levels in the Culture Medium.” Scientia Horticulturae 119(3), 315–19.

Jain, Sudhir Ranjan. n.d. “Dimensional Analysis.” Mechanics, Waves and Thermodynamics 104–7.

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Kim, Jae-Yong, Juyi Seo, Kyung-Hyun Cho. 2011. “Aspartame-Fed Zebrafish Exhibit Acute Deaths with Swimming Defects and Saccharin-Fed Zebrafish Have Elevation of Cholesteryl Ester Transfer Protein Activity in Hypercholesterolemia.” Food and Chemical Toxicology 49(11), 2899–2905.

Lemus-Mondaca, Roberto, Antonio Vega-Gálvez, Liliana Zura-Bravo, Ah Hen Kong. 2012. “Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni, Source of a High-Potency Natural Sweetener: A Comprehensive Review on the Biochemical, Nutritional and Functional Aspects.” Food Chemistry 132(3), 1121–32.

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