A review of management of pre and post-harvest factors affecting plum fruit quality

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Review Paper 01/06/2019
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A review of management of pre and post-harvest factors affecting plum fruit quality

Mubashra, Masud Ahmad
Int. J. Biosci.14( 6), 53-60, June 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Plums are rich in nutritional value with ability to improve digestion of consumers. It is the dire need to keep this natural product in high quality availability to consumers for longer time. Many factors starting before harvest leading to storage influence the shelf life and quality of these nutritious products. Plum fruit quality can be maintained by applying different synthetic, biochemicals and/or natural products at the result-oriented timing. Storage conditions are also crucial in maintaining better shelf life and consumer acceptance. For this purpose, it is highly needed to understand and manage the factors influencing plum fruit quality. This review has been presented to assemble the scientific data regarding management of factors affecting the quality of plums before and after harvest.


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