Allelopathic effects of Palustriella falcata (Bryophyta) extracts on wild mustard plants

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Allelopathic effects of Palustriella falcata (Bryophyta) extracts on wild mustard plants

B. Turkyilmaz Unal, C. Islek, T. Ezer, Z. Duzelten
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 4), 37-45, October 2017.
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In order to protect themselves from various stress factors in certain habitats, bryophytes produce secondary metabolites such as phenolics. This study aimed to determine the effects of Palustriella falcata (Brid.) Hedenäs on growth parameters and levels of photosynthetic pigments, total protein, proline and total phenolics of Sinapis arvensis L. (wild mustard) to be used for biological control. There are non-significant differences in growth parameters compared to controls. The levels of photosynthetic pigments generally increased in the P. falcata distilled water treatments; decreases occured in the other solvent treatments. The biggest decreases were found for the treatments with ethyl acetate and 50mg.mL−1 P. falcata in ethyl acetate. The total protein amount and peroxidase enzyme activity are opposite to each other. Increases in the amount of proline and total phenolics were determined in all treatment groups. In the P. falcata treated groups, the biggest increases were seen with the 25mg.mL−1 ethyl acetate treatment (44.25% increase in total protein amount and 49.82% in proline amount), and with the 50mg.mL−1 ethyl acetate treatment (1050.76% increase in total phenolic amount). It is thought that the changes observed are due to the allelopathic effect of the P. falcata.


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