Antifungal potential of Streptomyces sp. 3400 JX826625 ethanolic filtrate against Penicillium digitatum, A post-harvest spoilage agent of Citrus fruits

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Research Paper 10/10/2022
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Antifungal potential of Streptomyces sp. 3400 JX826625 ethanolic filtrate against Penicillium digitatum, A post-harvest spoilage agent of Citrus fruits

Andriambeloson Onja, Andrianantenaina Rigobert, Andriamahaly Manjato Eddy, Ramaroson Luciano, Rasolomampianina Rado
Int. J. Micro. Myco.15( 4), 11-25, October 2022.
Certificate: IJMM 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Fruit postharvest diseases, because of different losses they generate, remain a major problem affecting diverse domains in the world. Among several alternatives used to control phytopathogenic fungi, the main causal agents of fruit postharvest diseases; the efficacies of microorganism culture filtrates have been demonstrated in many works. For this purpose, this study aimed to assess the potential of Streptomyces sp 3400 JX826625 ethanolic filtrate to inhibit Penicillium digitatum growth and to control postharvest decay in citrus fruits (lemons and oranges) during the storage. In vitro assay using agar cylinder technique showed that the actinomycete isolate displayed antagonistic activity against Penicillium digitatum with an inhibition rate of 60.60±2.62%. On the other side, the ethanolic filtrate of the strain prepared from the culture on starch casein agar medium using radial growth method was very active towards the phytopathogen displaying an inhibition rate value of 77.27±4.54%. The disc technique showed an inhibition zone value of 19mm. Chemical screening of the ethanolic filtrate through precipitation and coloration assays revealed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, polyphenols, flavonoids and leucoanthocyans. In vivo assay with lemons and oranges presented a preventive effect of the antifungal product. An improvement of the shelf life for the two tested fruits treated with the ethanolic filtrate were recorded during artificial infection experimentation (5 days for both fruits) and storage assay (11 days for lemons and over 21 days for oranges) at ambient temperature, compared to untreated fruits of which the shelf life was 2 days (lemons) and 4 days (oranges).

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