Asian farmer’s adaption strategies to climate change: A review

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Research Paper 09/11/2024
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Asian farmer’s adaption strategies to climate change: A review

Fazale Rehman, Hassan Akhtar, Muhammed Zaheer, Filza Fatima Razvi, Sajjad Ali, Jawad Ullah, Faridullah Khan
Int. J. Micro. Myco.19( 5), 1-9, November 2024.
Certificate: IJMM 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Farmer’s everyday activities are being impacted by climate change in Asia. The effects of climate change on farming’s economy and environment have received a lot of attention. When the major factor determining the dilemma is drought. The social effects of climate change on Asian farmers have not been thoroughly explored. The goal of this paper was to analyse the available research on Asian farmer’s adaption strategies to climate change consequences. A systematic examination of the Scopus database revealed 63 linked papers, which were found using the PRISMA Statement (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) review technique. The six key topics that emerged from a further analysis of these articles are social activities, financial management, physical infrastructure management, farm management, irrigation and water management, and crop management. More qualitative research should be conducted, a standard systematic review methodology should be used to guide research synthesis in the context of climate change adaptation, and complementary searching strategies like citation tracking, reference searching, snowballing, and contacting experts should be used.

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