Assessing Restrictive Factors to the Optimal Infant and Young Child feeding Practice: A case study of Mothers of Children from zero to 23 months admitted to the Therapeutic Nutrition Unit of the University Teaching Hospital for Mother and child, N’Djamena, Chad

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Research Paper 28/07/2022
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Assessing Restrictive Factors to the Optimal Infant and Young Child feeding Practice: A case study of Mothers of Children from zero to 23 months admitted to the Therapeutic Nutrition Unit of the University Teaching Hospital for Mother and child, N’Djamena, Chad

Makhlouf Himeda, Barka Abakoura, Mahamat Bechir, Ali Haroun Hissein, Mahamat Garba Issa, Abdelsalam Tidjani
Int. J. Biosci.21( 1), 148-159, July 2022.
Certificate: IJB 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to evaluate the restrictive factors for the optimal infant and young children feeding practice among mothers of children from zero to 23 months. A sample of 80 mothers or caregivers of children admitted to UTHMC answered a physical questionnaire by interview. The results showed that the use of health services by these mothers was significant with up to 87.5% of the mothers who had been to a prenatal consultation and 70% had given birth in a health center. These mothers’ IYCF practices were appreciable with 53.75% of them who had initially started breastfeeding, 88.75% had given colostrum to their children, and 63.65% had introduced feeding with food other than milk at the right time. Despite these appreciable results, some factors such as home childbirth (30%), illiteracy (42.5%) and unemployment (82.5%) limit optimal child feeding practices.


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