Assessment of oxidative stress tolerance in red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedling under salinity

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Research Paper 01/12/2014
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Assessment of oxidative stress tolerance in red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seedling under salinity

Sajjad Moharramnejad, Mostafa Valizadeh
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.5( 6), 49-56, December 2014.
Certificate: IJAAR 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to evaluate salt tolerance in red bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) 10 genotypes were exposed to two levels of NaCl i.e., 0 and 400 mM in laboratory conditions. Plant fresh weight, total phenolics, total soluble proteins, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) in leaves salt-stressed and non-stressed plants were analyzed. Electrophoretic analyses were performed by using 8% slab polyacrylamide gels. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POX) and catalase (CAT) were stained and for each isozymic band the “density × area” scores onto gels were evaluated by MCID software as enzymatic activity. The salt stress reduced fresh weight of red bean genotypes. MDA, H2O2, total soluble proteins and total phenolics were significantly elevated in salinity condition. Salt stress increased activities of SOD, POX3 and CAT in all red bean genotypes. These results seem to indicate that 31126 genotype of red bean tolerance to salt stress is associated with enhance activity of antioxidant enzymes. Different antioxidant enzymes and other characters analyzed, only SOD2 isozyme activity was found to be associate with salt tolerance in red bean genotypes examined.


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