Characterization of Fish protein Hydrolysate from Tilapia by-products using acid and enzymatic hydrolysis

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Research Paper 17/04/2023
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Characterization of Fish protein Hydrolysate from Tilapia by-products using acid and enzymatic hydrolysis

Mark Joseph R. Rafael, Ravelina R. Velasco
Int. J. Biosci.22( 4), 85-95, April 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Waste management has been a significant problem in the fish processing industry due to environmental and public health impacts. Food products can be developed from the by-products of the aquaculture industry. This study extracted and characterized fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) from tilapia by-products (viscera). It was produced by enzymatic and acid hydrolysis. The degree of hydrolysis (DH), protein pattern, solubility, emulsifying, and foaming properties of the FPH were determined. The yield of the fish protein hydrolysate increased with increasing concentration for acid hydrolysis. Decreasing total protein was observed with the use of increasing HCl concentration. The DH ranged from 12.79-13.95%. The molecular weight distribution of fish protein hydrolysate using acid and enzymatic hydrolysis was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Limited hydrolysis formed larger peptides which led to improved emulsification and foaming properties of the fish protein hydrolysate. Tilapia intestine crude enzyme hydrolysis produced FPH with higher solubility in water than using acid solutions. The optimum concentration for acid hydrolysis to produce FPH with high emulsifying activity index was found to be 4M acid solution. The Foaming stability for both the acid and enzymatic hydrolysis were low ranging from 9.17% 10.83%. Based on their characteristics and quality, fish protein hydrolysate extracted using acid and enzymatic hydrolysis were within the criteria that can be used as a value-added product in nutraceutical supplements such as sources of small peptides and amino acids in dietetic foods. The improved solubility, emulsifying and foaming capacities of tilapia protein hydrolysate warrant its application in formulated food systems.


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