Characterization of strains of Pytophthora infestans isolated from Western Algeria: Pathogenecity and virulence

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Characterization of strains of Pytophthora infestans isolated from Western Algeria: Pathogenecity and virulence

Ameziane El Houcine, Amara Ayad Abderrahmane, Benyoucef Soumia, Baba Hamed Mohamed Bey
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 3), 71-80, March 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present work at a level that potato late blight attacks by P. infestans in western Algeria may be at the foliage level when infection is early and weather conditions are favorable. Thus, the impacts, severities and frequencies recorded in this region have remarkably increased the 2015-2016 crop year. Characterization of 40 isolates from harvested potato from different Wilaya revealed high variability in the population of P. infestans collected. This variability lies essentially in the coexistence of the two sex types A1 and A2 in the same plot or in separate plots. Thus, the isolates collected from the potato, those that come from the region of Mascara, Mostaganem, Ain Defla and chlef features biological and epidemiological significance than other isolates in mycelial growth, in vitro sporulation capacity, direct and indirect sporocyst germination pathogenicity and. Aggressiveness This study of the aggressiveness of isolates conducted on the leaves of different elements of a background that the potato varieties have levels of sensitivity to the pathogen. This great sensitivity noticed in the varieties tested suggests the presence in the Algerian field of a new population of the very aggressive pathogen.

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