Chromium effects of tannery waste water and appraisal of toxicity strength reduction and alternative treatment

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Research Paper 01/11/2013
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Chromium effects of tannery waste water and appraisal of toxicity strength reduction and alternative treatment

Biddut Chandra Sarker, Bristy Basak, Md. Sajedul Islam
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.3( 11), 23-35, November 2013.
Certificate: IJAAR 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Tannery waste waters decrease the quality of water bodies into which they are discharged is of large scale environmental concern. Disposition of tanning effluents e.g. Chromium (Cr) into the environment creates inauspicious outcomes by modifying the normal physiochemical properties of soil and water. It is determined that Chromium is the principal threat whenever tanning industry derives in to practice. Cr is extremely venomous and carcinogenic to humankind, animals, vegetations and as well overall environment. The paper was executed solely on secondary information by conferring literature informants including scientific journals, conference articles document and internet site that focused on the effects of tannery waste water and assessment of alternative treatment options used to reduce, removal, retrieve or reprocess Cr from the waste water. Effective management of tannery effluent is the need of the hour. Although a lot of treatment alternatives were assessed to preclude its effect on the environment, neither of them forced out Cr completely. In some cases researchers however successful enough practicing biotechnological methods to reduce the strength and fatal state of Chromium (e.g., Cr(Vl)). Hence, treatment alternatives are either; complex, energy consuming, expensive or applicable to a indisputable portions of the world due to engineering science or proficient work force requirement. Consequently, to tackle these important challenge demanding environmental ordinance with jurisprudence implementation has to be practiced to apply improve treatment scheme which is widely applicatory. Defilers must acknowledge the environmental cost of their manufacture and treated according to polluter pay or precaution precepts. Furthermore, the general public has to be aware of it and all concerned organizations and authorities have to work hard to accomplish zero discharge level or leastwise to gain the standard limit of Chromium discharge defined/ accorded by Environmental Protection Agency.


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