Climate change effect on major crops production in Balochistan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Climate change effect on major crops production in Balochistan, Pakistan

Rahmatullah, Khalid Nawab
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 153-160, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was developed to assess the effect of climate change on production of major crops in Balochistan with special reference to farmers’ perceptions. A total of 384 farmers were selected through unknown population formula from the three randomly selected districts of Balochistan province including Musakhail, Loralai and Zhob among which 128 farmers from each district were selected. Data were collected through valid and pre-tested interview schedule. Paired sample t-test and one sample t-test was used for the analysis of data. Significant increase in cultivable waste area and underground water table was observed. Results further reveal that farmers are left to cultivate major crops i.e. wheat 6.18%, Maize, 25.71% and Mash, 59.17% due to less or no water for irrigation and unpredictable rainfall. Significant decreased was observed in the production and area of all major crops in last 10 to 15 years. Majority of farmers are shifting from long term to short term crops. All the farmers were agreed and interested in the adoption of suitable adaptation strategies but the major constraint in the adoption of adaptation strategies is limited awareness, poverty and scarcity of irrigation water. Water management skills of farmers should be developed to avoid water losses. Water reservoirs should be construct to store the rain water for irrigation as well as to recharge the ground water. Agriculture Extension department should create awareness about suitable adaptation strategies to overcome the effect of climate change.

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