Clinico-mycological profile of isolates of superficial fungal infection: A study in a Tertiary care centre in Baster Region

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Clinico-mycological profile of isolates of superficial fungal infection: A study in a Tertiary care centre in Baster Region

Rupam Gahlot, Chaitanya Nigam
Int. J. Micro. Myco.7( 3), 1-5, May 2018.
Certificate: IJMM 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The superficial (cutaneous) fungal infections involve skin and its appendages, hair and nails. The causative fungi colonize only cornified layer of epidermis or supra-follicular portion of hair and usually do not penetrate into deeper tissues. The distribution and frequency of these infections and their etiological agents vary according to the geographic region, the socioeconomic level of population, climatic variation, presence of domestic animals and age. These infections are usually presented as scaly patches with central clearing with sharply demarcated as annular, erythematous, sometimes with vesicles, blisters and pustules. These superficial fungal infections are also responsible for morbidity, affecting quality of life, have recurrent relapses and drug resistance. This study was carried to find out the prevalence of various fungi associated with superficial fungal infection. This is a retrospective observational study carried to see clinical and laboratory profile of clinically suspected cases of superficial (cutaneous) fungal infection cases attending Dermatology Out Patient Department (OPD) and Skin scrapings, hair and nail samples were collected and processed according to standard mycological protocol. A total of 120 specimens were collected from clinically diagnosed superficial fungal infection cases. Tinea corporis was the most common clinical type in our study followed by Pityriasis versicolor, Onycomycosis and Tinea pedis. Most common dermatophyte species isolated was Trichophyton mentegrophyte and Malassezia sp. followed by Trichophyton violaceum, Candida sp., Trichophyton rubrum, Microsporum audouinii and Fusarium sp. Along with dermatophytes, nondermatophytic fungal infections are emerging as important debilitating problems affecting quality of life. Due to different type of antifugal use in different superficial mycoses, laboratory confirmation is desired, to decrease inappropriate use of drugs and drug resistance.


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