Comparison of some physicochemical properties of oil extracted from Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Kernels by UV spectrophotometry

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Comparison of some physicochemical properties of oil extracted from Ricinodendron heudelotii (Bail.) Kernels by UV spectrophotometry

Horliane Ghomdim Nzali, Clergé Tchiegang, Bernard Sandjon, Marc Meurens
Int. J. Biosci.8( 6), 93-102, June 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


In order to contribute to research on nutrients with therapeutic value, the oil rate, fatty acid composition and the physicochemical and quality characteristics of Riconodencron heudelotii kernels oil obtained by pressing and solvent extraction were determined. The KOMET Screw Oil Expeller was used. To achieve this, UV Spectrophotometry and Gas Chromatography (GC) were used to quantify the amount of α-eleostearic acid (ESA) in the oils. The results indicate that the extraction temperature has an influence on the rate of extraction. Thus the extraction rate for cold pressing (30°C) was 34.51±1.98% compared to hot pressing (80°C) with 44.44±2.46%. But for the quality of the oil, cold pressing gives the indices of peroxide and acid below standard. There is no significant difference (p <0.05) of α-tocopherol according to extraction mode. The proportion of ESA of oil obtained by cold pressing (30°C) was the highest (49.02±0.64%). The UV confirmed that the press had no influence on the structure of the ESA. The calibration test for the determination of ESA by UV spectrophotometry was obtained with a Regression coefficient (R) of 0.95. The UV spectrophotometry technique is a rapid and less expensive method for determining the quality and the quantity of ESA in R. heudelotii oil than GC. The cold pressing almonds of R. heudelotii gives an oil with good physicochemical properties and is rich of α-eleostearic acid. Moreover eleostearic acid is a conjugated linolenic acid and these acids have benefic effects for the management of metabolic diseases.


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