Content of total proteins, starch and proline in seeds of some wild relatives of cultivated plants

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Content of total proteins, starch and proline in seeds of some wild relatives of cultivated plants

Badridze Gulnara, Chkhubianishvili Eva, Kikvidze Medea, Rapava Luara, Chanishvili Shota, Chigladze Lali, Goloshvili Tamar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 278-284, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Revealing of interesting features among wild relatives of cultivated plants is prerequisite for their direct cultivation or application as a genetic material. Wild legumes and cereals of Georgia are not studied from this point of view. Accordingly, the purpose of the presented investigation was to study some, interesting from agricultural point of view, biochemical indices – content of total proteins, starch and proline, as well as total antioxidants activity – in seeds of some wild cereals and legumes. Plants species: Hordeum leporinum Link – mouse barley, Aegilops cylindrica Host – jointed goat grass, Avena fatua L. – common wild oat, Anisantha sterilis (L.) Nvsky- sterile brome, Poa palustris L. – fowl meadow grass, Agropyron repens (L.) P. Beauv.- quackgrass, and Pisum arvense (L.) Asch. – field pea served as test objects. Triticum aestivum L. – common wheat and Pisum sativum L. – pea were selected among the cultivated species for the comparative analysis of studied indices. Tested wild herbs may be grouped as interesting objects from agricultural and medicinal points of view, according to experimental results. Field pea and jointed goatgrass (seeds are rich of both starch and proteins), mouse barley and wild oat (seeds are rich of starch), as well as sterile brome (seeds contain enough amount of proteins) may be used in breeding and agricultural purposes, because of high content of proteins and starch in seeds. High content of proline in seeds and total antioxidant activity make wild oat, sterile brome, fowl meadowgrass and quack grass as interesting objects from medical point of view.


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