Contribution of solutes to the osmotic adjustment of Deverra tortuosa (Desf.) DC

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Contribution of solutes to the osmotic adjustment of Deverra tortuosa (Desf.) DC

Taghried Mohammed El-Lamey
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 380-395, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Deverra tortuosa is a xerophytic and salt tolerant plant and able to grow on very different soils. It was collected from Wadi Sudr, Wadi EL-Natrun EL-Alamein road and Wadi Um Ashtan during dry and wet seasons. This study aimed to investigate physiological responses and metabolic changes in Deverra tortuosa during stress conditions to identify metabolite compounds that are responsible for stress tolerance. The results of organic acids analysis in Deverra demonstrated that the concentration of the majority of detecting organic acids increased significantly with stress. The adaptation of Deverra to the arid environment in term of osmotic adjustment was documented in this study, it tended to accumulate certain compatible solutes to reduce its internal osmotic potentials. These osmotically active metabolites include inorganic ions solutes (Ca2+, and SO42-), carbohydrates, soluble sugars, reducing sugars, and organic acids, which may act in osmotic adjustment, assist in turgor maintenance and help to enhance drought tolerance. Osmotic adjustment through the synthesis of soluble sugars, has been postulated to have a significant role in drought tolerance in Deverra, it seems to be the main active compounds in the osmotic potential (Ѱs). Since the estimated contributions of total soluble sugars to osmotic potential (Ѱs) under stress conditions were 24.7% at Wadi Sudr and 30.4% at Wadi Um Ashtan and reached its maximum value of 35.9% at El-Alamein road. In conclusion, Deverra tortuosa depends on the accumulation of minerals, especially Ca2+ together with the organic solutes in its cytoplasmic osmoregulation to adapt to arid environments.


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