Contribution to the study of soil macrofauna under Palm groves in the North-East of the Algerian Sahara (Oued Souf area)

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Contribution to the study of soil macrofauna under Palm groves in the North-East of the Algerian Sahara (Oued Souf area)

Selmane Mehdi, Benslama Mohamed
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 203-213, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Our research is a contribution to the aims of soil macrofauna for deeping our quantitative and qualitative knowledge in Oued Souf area. Oued Souf is located in the north east of the Algerian Sahara with a Saharan bioclimatic stage with a mild winter. For the realization of our study we followed the Barber method (traps for cave). Sampling captures 26 species divided into three classes of arthropods: Insecta, Crustacea and Arachnida. In the modern palm grove the census allowed to have 18 species, followed by 16 species in the abandoned palm grove and 13 species in traditional palm grove. The most dominant order is that of Hymenoptera with 2735 individuals, followed by the order of Coleoptera with 983 individuals distributed over four families, the order of Diptera with 700 individuals distributed on two families and the order of Isopoda with 103 individuals presented by one family. Finally, the following orders are weakly presented hang sampling, Hemiptera with 26 individuals, Scorpiones with 13 individuals, Dermaptera with 7 individuals, Orthoptera with 3 individuals and Blattaria with a single individual. The calculation of the specific diversity gives a value of “3.07” bit following an equitability of 67%, reflecting a significant structuring of the environment.


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