Development and nutritional characterization of nutrients enriched food bars

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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Development and nutritional characterization of nutrients enriched food bars

Saqib Rehman, Shahid Mahmood, Muhammad Nadeem, Tabussam Tufail, Muhammad Zia Shahid, Ali Saqib, Muzamil Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 89-101, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The objective of this research was to determine the effects of minerals, fennel and carrots juice on the physico-chemical properties of food bars during storage.Texture in terms of hardness values were from 149.24 to 341.33g. FB0 had less hardness (149.24 g) and it gradually increased towards FB2 (341.33 g) and during storage of 90 days. Same trend was observed for factorability. The lowest water activity (0.555) was observed in FB0 and the highest (0.564) in FB4. The water activity during storage decreased from 0.572 to 0.550 after 90 days. The minimum moisture content was observed in FB0 and the highest in FB4. During storage, moisture content decreased and non-significant change in protein content and fiber content was observed. These food bars provide energy ranged from 372.93 to 389.82 Kcal/100g. The maximum in-vitro protein digestibility values are recorded in FB2 (87.41%) and FB4 (87.30%) while, the minimum (85.78%) in control bar (EF0) indicating that fennel seed saturated with carrot juice increased the in-vitro protein digestibility and similarly improves starch digestibility. Minerals content increased significantly with the addition of fennel seeds and spinach ash in food bars, while the minimum minerals content has been observed in control food bar (FB0) having no added mineral source.

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