Effect of Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on growth, biochemical characteristics and nutrient uptake of passion fruit seedlings under flooding stress

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Research Paper 01/04/2020
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Effect of Arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation on growth, biochemical characteristics and nutrient uptake of passion fruit seedlings under flooding stress

Daniel Chebet, Wariara Kariuki, Leonard Wamocho, Freda Rimberia
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.16( 4), 24-31, April 2020.
Certificate: IJAAR 2020 [Generate Certificate]


This study was undertaken to investigate the role of arbuscular mycorrhiza in alleviation of flooding stress in passion fruits in Kenya. Passion fruit seedlings (Passiflora edulis var edulis L.) (purple passion fruits) were raised in sterilized sand under low phosphorus regime for 12 weeks before flooding was initiated for 28 days. Mycorrhizal inoculation maintained greater leaf retention as opposed to leaf abscission that occurred more rapidly in non-mycorrhizal seedlings under flooding. Flooding induced an increase in leaf proline concentration with mycorrhizal seedlings having the highest proline concentration. Flooding caused a decline in chlorophyll content and this occurred more rapidly in non mycorrhizal treatments. Flooding also caused an increase in the carotenoid content, this occurring more rapidly in nonmycorrhizal seedlings. The total soluble sugars increased in non-mycorrhizal seedlings subjected to flooding but remained unchanged in mycorrhizal seedlings under flooding. Flooding induced a reduction but did not completely inhibit mycorrhizal root colonization. The leaf nitrogen and phosphorus content declined under flooding, with the decline occurring more rapidly in non-mycorrhizal seedlings. This study found out that increased production of proline, maintenance of optimum nutrient supply in the leaves and maintenance of leaf chlorophyll aid mycorrhizal passion fruit seedlings to delay the adverse effects of flooding.


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