Effect of breeding mode, type of muscle and slaughter age on technological meat quality of local poultry population of Gallus gallus species of Benin

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Effect of breeding mode, type of muscle and slaughter age on technological meat quality of local poultry population of Gallus gallus species of Benin

P.U. Tougan, M. Dahouda, G. S. Ahounou, C. F. A. Salifou, M. T. Kpodekon, G. A. Mensah, D. N. F. Kossou, C. Amenou, C. E. Kogbeto, A.Thewis, I. A. K. Youssao
Int. J. Biosci.3( 6), 81-97, June 2013.
Certificate: IJB 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Indigenous chickens in Benin represent various populations including Holli, Sahoue, Fulani, North and South ecotypes. The current study aims to assess the technological quality of their meat according to genetic type, breeding system and age. Thus, 52 chickens of each ecotype were divided in two lots of 26 birds bred respectively under traditional system and improved system. For each breeding system, 26 cockerels of each ecotype were slaughtered at 20, 24 and 28 weeks old. It appears that the meat of South chickens had the highest shear force (47.76 N), redness (8.08) and chroma (P<0.01). The lowest pH24 was recorded in North (5.66) and Fulani (5.71) ecotypes (P<0.05). The highest luminance was found in meat of North chickens (59.74). Chickens Holli had the lowest yellowness and the highest hue value (3.72). The cooking loss of thigh of Sahoue was higher than in the other genotypes (P<0.05). The chickens bred under traditional system had the highest shear force and luminance (P <0.001), whereas birds of improved system had the highest pH24, yellowness and chroma (P<0.05). The shear force, redness, yellowness, hue, chroma and pH of thigh were higher than those of the breast (P<0.001). The breast was clearer than the thigh-drumstick (58.98 vs 49.09; P<0.001). The luminance, redness, yellowness, chroma and cooking loss decreased with age (P <0.05) while shear force and pH increased (P<0.001). Overall, South chickens provided the toughest and darkest meat, while traditional free range system was more favorable for firm and white chicken meat production.


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