Effect of cinnamon and coriander extracts on oxidative stability and antimicrobial perspectives of cooked beef patties

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Research Paper 01/12/2020
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Effect of cinnamon and coriander extracts on oxidative stability and antimicrobial perspectives of cooked beef patties

Awais Ahmad, Umair Zahid, Abdul Waheed Khan, Bazgha Ahmad, Muhammad Majid, Shahnah Qureshi, Maryam Aziz, Tayyaba Alvi
Int. J. Biosci.17( 6), 387-399, December 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The current study aimed to improve the shelf life of beef patties prepared with different concentrations of cinnamon and coriander extracts. Purposely, Aqueous-alcoholic extract of cinnamon and coriander was obtained and incorporated in beef patties. Furthermore, the beef patties were subjected to physicochemical and microbial analysis. Addition of cinnamon and coriander extracts significantly increase the nutritional profile of beef patties and reduce the microbial activity. The results showed that the total phenolic content of Cinnamon and Coriander at 1% concentration had the highest value 0.89mg GAE/g and 0.57mg GAE/g, respectively, while patties containing 1% extract contain phenolics for Cinnamon and Coriander as 0.48-0.36 and 0.3-0.21mg GAE/g respectively. Moreover, these treatments also established better scavenging capacity (DPPH) in beef patties. Furthermore, a significant Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) was observed in beef patties (T1=6.8-5.8 mmol Trolox eq./kg and T3=5.5-4.8 mmol Trolox eq./kg). Cinnamon and Coriander at 1% concentration significantly hindered the lipid oxidation during the entire storage interval rather than other treatments whereas total carbonyl (Protein oxidation) was significantly higher in the control sample (0.56-1.79 nmol/mg). Conclusively, among all the treatments T1 (cinnamon 1%) showed better antioxidant activity and reduced microbial activity.


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