Effect of citric acid on the storage stability of sugarcane juice at different temperatures

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Research Paper 01/11/2020
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Effect of citric acid on the storage stability of sugarcane juice at different temperatures

Ali Ikram, Sadia Ambreen, Ali Tahir, Nimra Bashir, Muzzamal Hussain, Muhammad Ijaz Shafiq, Wasim Khalid, Muhammad Babar Bin Zahid, Warda Arshad, Tabussam Tufail
Int. J. Biosci.17( 5), 152-161, November 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


The current study was planned to check the storage stability of the sugarcane juice. For that purpose, all the treatments were optimized based on sensory evaluation, turbidity and color attributes at different concentrations of potassium meta-bisulphite (KMS) (0, 40, 80, 120, 150, and 200 ppm), citric acid (0, 15, 30, 40, and 60 /100 ml), and pasteurization temperature (50, 70, 90 and 1000C) for 10 min of juice. Then sugarcane juice samples were formulated by adding citric acid (40 mg/100 ml), pasteurizing the juice for 10 minutes at 700C and potassium metabisulphite (150 ppm). Pre-sterilized glass bottles were used for storing the sugarcane juice at refrigeration (4±2 0C) temperature and room (30±5 0C). Samples were tested for physiochemical (total soluble solids, total sugar, reducing sugar, acidity, pH, and viscosity), microbial test (TPC, yeast, and mold) and sensory evaluation (texture, flavor, and overall acceptability).  Results indicated that the total soluble solids, pH and total sugars decreased, whereas, reducing sugars and titratable acidity increased significantly (P<0.01) during storage. An appreciable increase in total plate counts and yeast and mold counts were observed, however, no coliforms were detected in sugarcane juice during the storage period. The changes in different attributes were significantly (P<0.01) higher at room temperature as compared to refrigeration temperature. The sugarcane juice having citric acid and potassium meta-bisulphite showed minimum changes in sensory qualities during storage, both at room and refrigeration temperature.


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