Effect of incorporating cassava peel meal in feed on the zootechnical and economic performance and physical characteristics of ISA Brown laying hen eggs

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Research Paper 10/12/2024
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Effect of incorporating cassava peel meal in feed on the zootechnical and economic performance and physical characteristics of ISA Brown laying hen eggs

Kouabena Kreman, Kouakou Eugène Kouadio, Ngolo Ouattara, Adam Camille, Kouamé, Gouagoua Severin Kouadja, Ngouan Cyrille Kouassi
Int. J. Biosci.25( 6), 460-467, December 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


A study on the laying performance and egg quality of laying hens fed feed containing cassava peel flour was carried out at the experimental farm of the livestock production program of the National Agronomic Research Center in Bouake. To obtain this, 150 hens of 20 weeks of age and an average weight of 1471 ± 14 g were randomly distributed into 15 boxes of 3.6 m² with 10 hens per box in triplicate. They were fed twice a day with four foods containing respectively 0, 10, 20 and 30 % cassava peel flour and a fifth commercial control food with a ratio of 110 g per hen. After 52 weeks, the zootechnical parameters, feed consumption and quality of the eggs produced were recorded. The results showed that up to 30 % incorporation of cassava peel flour into the laying hen’s feed there is no effect on hen mortality. However, the laying rate and egg production cost were negatively affected after 20 % incorporation. The average weights of the components (yolk, white and shell) of the eggs, the thickness of the shells and the shape indices were not affected regardless of the rate of incorporation of cassava peeling flour into the food. At the end of this study, cassava peel flour can be efficiently introduced into the diet of laying hens at a rate of 20 %.


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