Effective reaction of the medical students on introduction of interactive teaching methods

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Research Paper 30/06/2022
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Effective reaction of the medical students on introduction of interactive teaching methods

Dr. S. Kiranmai, Dr. T. Ashita Singh, Dr. K. Rajashekar, Dr. Rajive Kumar Sureka
Int. J. Micro. Myco.14( 6), 1-7, June 2022.
Certificate: IJMM 2022 [Generate Certificate]


Trends in education are shifting from passive to active learning, replacing the old metaphor of “transmission of knowledge” with a new metaphor of “dialogue”. Active learning encompasses various methodologies, with each serving the purpose of fostering an active classroom. One method is interactive lectures. It involves an increased interchange between teachers and students about the lecture content. Response to it needs to be elicited. In this study, Microbiology Undergraduate students were exposed to both interactive lectures and regular lectures for a period of three months. Various techniques used for making the lectures interactive were Quiz, puzzles etc., Students feedback was obtained by using a structured five point Likert scale questionnaire to elicit the perception and preferences towards the interactive teaching methods with open ended questions seeking their suggestions. Almost 96-98% of students agreed or strongly agreed that interactive teaching created interest and made class interesting and attentive. 90% of the students wanted to attend more other interactive methods along with the continuation of the same in all their classes. So, Interactive teaching methods has been evaluated more positively by the students than didactic lectures as shown by parameters tested like keeping them attentive, creating interest, making them active, increasing their participation in class, providing concepts clear and easy, understand the subject better, helpful in clinical application, concentrate more etc. Introduction of interactive teaching methods showed an effective response from students.

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