Effects of deficit and normal irrigation with the use of superabsorbents and soil amendments in desert lands of semnan province

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Research Paper 01/07/2015
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Effects of deficit and normal irrigation with the use of superabsorbents and soil amendments in desert lands of semnan province

Maedeh Yousefian, Mohammad Jafari, Ali Tavili, Hosein Arzani, Zeinab Jafarian
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 1), 186-196, July 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This research was aimed to compare normal and deficit irrigation methods and its impact on Atriplex canescens in a desert region of Semnan Province in Iran. In addition, the effect of Stockosorb and Zeolite superabsorbents on water holding capacity in a sandy soil was investigated. According to the obtained results, maximum seedling height (76.33 cm) was obtained in the treatment of 15 weight% zeolite+ 70% sand with normal irrigation, having significant difference with other treatments including the control treatment. However, maximum large and small diameters were recorded in the treatment of 0.3% Stockosorb by volume+ 80% sand and normal irrigation method, showing significant difference with control and all treatments of deficit irrigation method. Results showed that significant differences existed in the soil physical, chemical and hydraulic properties between normal and deficit irrigation methods. Therefore, if the sole goal of Atriplex canescens cultivation in rangelands is to improve range condition and plant species diversity, deficit irrigation method and superabsorbents could be recommended in arid regions similar in the study area. On the other hand, normal irrigation could be recommended when livestock grazing and producing excellent seedlings with maximum length and diameter growth are the goals of Atriplex canescens cultivation.


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