Effects of ecological changes on the Iron levels and hazard quotient (HQ) on muscle of pelagic, demersal and neritic fish from Khuzestan, south west of Iran

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Effects of ecological changes on the Iron levels and hazard quotient (HQ) on muscle of pelagic, demersal and neritic fish from Khuzestan, south west of Iran

AskarySary, A, Karimi Sari, V
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 23-28, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The aim of this study was research the changes of ecology on Iron levels and hazard quotient (HQ) on pelagic fish[silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix), big head carp (Aristichthys nobilis)] demersal fish[ and silver pomfret( Pampusargenteus), Orange – spolted grouper( Epinepheluscoioides), Yellow fin sea bream (Acanthopagruslatus) and grass carp ( Ctenopharyngodon idella)] and neritic fish[Tongue fishes (Cynoglossusarel) and common carp ( Cyprinus carpio)] from Khuzestan, south west of Iran. Farmed fish sampled was prepared from the Azadegan warm water fish culture center and marine Fish sampled was prepared from fishing ports Bhrekan, Abadan and Bandar Emam, Khuzestan south west Iran. Iron concentration measured by wet digestion and atomic absorption spectrometer Perkin Elmer 4100. The results showed iron average concentrations in muscle on pelagic, demersal and neritic fishes to be equal were 17.69, 9.8 and 16.14 and was significantly different (P <0.05). Hazard quotients (HQ) on pelagic, demersal and neritic fishes to be equal were 0.46, 0.32, 0.42 and 0. 42. Hazard quotient in all samples was less than one and so fish nutrition no risk in terms of the amount of iron in the human body.


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